Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday 9 am- 12 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 8 - 10:30 am
Office Phone Number 507-874-3343
Sunday Mornings
9:30 AM in Luther Hall
Confirmation Classes:
Wednesday Evenings (September - May)
5:45 PM 7th/8th Grade Class
9th Grade Class meets once a month on Wednesday Evening
Contact Pastor Kristi if you have questions about our Confirmation Classes.
Sunday School:
Sunday Mornings (September - May)
9:45 AM Preschool through 6th Grade
Anna Sorensen, Superintendent
Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church Webpage
Pastor Kristi Mitchell
Sunday Mornings
8:30 AM Worship Service
Holy Communion offered the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
Redeemer Lutheran Church